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Song Joong-ki Promotes Disability Awareness Festival, Filmed Video During His Self-Quarantine

Song Joong-ki promotes disability awareness  

It’s not unusual to see videos of international stars going viral online – in fact, that’s just a regular weekday. But on 3rd August, a video of Song Joong-ki began making waves amongst Korean netizens due to the content of the video. 

The video in question was meant to promote the Korea International Accessible Dance Festival (KIADA), a festival that raises disability awareness, and it went viral because Song Joong-ki did this for free. 

Song Joong-ki’s act of kindness described as a miracle 

song joong ki - promotional video of KIADA
Image adapted from: 대한민국장애인국제무용제 KIADA

Song Joong-ki’s thoughtful deed was revealed by a volunteer from KIADA, who posted on an online community called Bobae Dream”.

In a post titled “About actor Song Joong-ki’s personality”, the volunteer explained that KIADA has been struggling a great deal this year due to a lack of public interest in the festival and the ongoing pandemic. Furthermore, KIADA is not financially supported by commercial means, such as advertisements, and this has further challenged the promotion of the festival. 

song joong ki - promotes disability awareness
Image credit: @hi_songjoongki

Upon hearing the news of Song Joong-ki serving self-quarantine after coming into contact with a COVID-19 patient on the 30th of June, the volunteer sent an email to Song Joong-ki, in hopes of receiving a 30-second promotional video during the actor’s downtime.

Song Joong-ki replied to the volunteer’s email, and he requested six years worth of data and information about KIADA. This warmed the hearts of many netizens as it showed that Song Joong-ki took the time and initiative to read up on the festival prior to filming the video. 

The volunteer did not receive any reply after sending the materials to Song Joong-ki. But after a month of silence, Song Joong-ki sent the promotional video out of the blue. The volunteer was pleasantly surprised and moved by the amount of effort and sincerity put into the video despite the fact that they couldn’t pay the actor. 

The video will be used for promoting KIADA 

song joong ki - promotional video for KIADA
Image adapted from: 대한민국장애인국제무용제 KIADA

In the video, Song Joong-ki is impeccably dressed in a suit with a bow tie. He begins the video by congratulating the sixth anniversary of KIADA.

Song Joong-ki goes on to explain more about KIADA, saying that it’s a platform where dancers with disabilities can exchange artistic skills. Finally, he ends the video by encouraging viewers to support the dance festival.

You can view the video below:

Many netizens were moved by Song Joong-ki’s gracious act and effort. We hope this promotional video will provide you with more insight into KIADA, and we look forward to Song Joong-ki’s return in a new drama titled The Youngest Son of a Chaebol Family, which is reported to air in 2022.

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Cover image adapted from: @hi_songjoongki